A domain name is the name that recognizes your website. In actuality the name you prefer for your site point web surfers to the IP Address of the computer which is lay up and portion up your website. It's usually simple to contain your web hosting company register your domain when you complex hosting, but we contain a roll of companies beneath that concentrate in domain registration. The domain name comes up to 2 parts.
The definite name and the identifier at the finish (i.e. .com) when you register a domain name you are preserve that name for your use.
One time you register it then no one else will exist clever to use that same name except you not succeed to uphold the registration. .com is the mainly ordinary end to a website name, but others are accessible like .org and .net - these are just a little harder for public to memorize than .com but reliant on the life of your site that might be completely okay. Value to stand in mind that if you decide a non .com name since "name.com" is in use - lots of people may by chance go to the name.com site by mistake!
There are also a few unusual endings like ".biz" use one of the domain registration companies under to ensure for those names. These companies lower all concentrate in domain registration. They are planned in no exacting order. This listing is not comprehensive - there are accurately thousands of companies that resolve register a domain name for you.
Following you register you domain you have to use the domain registration company manage board to point your domain to the name servers of your hosting company. After that your hosting company has to add the name of your domain to their domain name server. |