Websites has successfully completed LAMP(Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL)
projects for clients with core businesses in different industries
such as - Digital/SSL Certificate, Bandwidth Management Control,
CRM Application for ISPs, Game marketing for Schools and Promotional
Marketing in additional to others. Besides LAMP (Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL),
Classic Websites
has also completed a project for an embedded device, which
used C, Embedded Linux (uClinux) along with Tcl/Tk & core
networking utilities in Linux.
At Classic
Websites, we have extensively worked on the
following open source technologies. Apache, Boa (Embedded
Web Server), Linux, uClinux (Embedded Linux), PHP, MySQL,
C, Tcl/Tk and Perl. We have many years of experience with
a large team of engineers, exclusively working in the open
source technologies mentioned above.
The acronym LAMP (or L.A.M.P.)
refers to a set of free software programs commonly used together
to run dynamic Web sites or servers: Linux, the operating
system; Apache, the Web server; MySQL, the database management
system; Perl/PHP; the scripting/programming languages.
LAMP has three major uses: Define a web server infrastructure,
define a programming paradigm of developing software and define
a software distribution package. To be precise, it is an open
source Web platform. Though the originators of these open
source programs did not design them all to work specifically
with each other, the combination has become popular because
of its low acquisition cost and because of the ubiquity of
its components (which come bundled with most current Linux
distributions, particularly as deployed by ISPs).
When used in combination
they represent a solution stack of technologies that support
application servers. This technology allows the user of a
web browser to execute a program on the web server, and to
thereby receive dynamic as well as static content.